Ky Wojciechowski Julian

I'm a researcher, writer, and designer committed to making information easier to use.


My name is Ky (or Kylie, either works) Wojciechowski Julian, and, to answer your question, the trick to pronouncing my name is to say “Where’s your house key?” quickly.

Now that that’s out of the way: I’m a researcher, writer, and designer committed to making information easier to use.

My background is in words: in college, I studied technical communication and worked as a journalist, editor, and writing center tutor. (My curriculum vitae has more details about this and other, older work.)

I became much more invested and interested in how people used my words to perform tasks or reach their goals after doing some informal usability testing in a documentation course, so I enrolled in the University of Michigan’s School of Information to study research and design.

I graduated with my Master of Science degree from the University of Michigan in 2019. I’m currently based in Michigan, working as a UX Researcher at Merck. Previously, I was a Senior UX Researcher at CVS Health.

Reach me at kywoj [at]